Kekaha, Hawaii Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are thinking about moving to Kekaha City, there are many facts about the city that will help you make the decision. Here, you will find out information about the median household income in Kekaha, as well as the average commute time. The median home price in Kekaha is $477,600, and the average home appreciation over the last 10 years has been 4.7%. The median age in Kekaha is 31 years, and the population is approximately 3,279.

The population of Kekaha is low in neighborhoods near parks and major airports. Only a few people live near these places, so crime rates are lower there. However, keep in mind that crime happens where people are. While it is possible to avoid high-crime areas, it is important to know how much crime occurs in your neighborhood. The crime rate map below gives you a quick overview of crime rates in Kekaha.

The population of Kekaha, HI is made up of 17.1% white people and 0.2% black people. The rest are Hispanic and Asian. In terms of racial and ethnic groups, the largest percentage of households are two and three cars. While it may seem a little surprising to hear that there are so many people living below the poverty line in Kekaha, the statistics are telling.