Kurtistown, Hawaii Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're planning a road trip to the city, check out the nearby towns. If you're thinking about a vacation, check out the towns within 100 miles of Kurtistown. Listed below are some interesting facts about Kurtistown. They might be worth checking out. Here's a brief look at the people and culture in Kurtistown. When it comes to religion, the local residents are mostly Christians, but there are some other faiths and beliefs as well.

The number of people living below the poverty line in Kurtistown is low compared to nearby cities. There are fewer residents living near parks and major airports, so crime rates might appear to be higher than they actually are. However, crime happens where people are. And if you live in Kurtistown, you can't afford to be in an area with high crime rates.

The population of Kurtistown is approximately 1,432 people. The median home price in Kurtistown is $276,500. Home appreciation in the city over the past decade has been 4.7%. The average commute time for residents of Kurtistown is 25.3 minutes. In addition, Kurtistown has a low crime rate and is a good place for families to live.

The median household income in Kurtistown is $51,908. The poverty rate in the city is 7.5%. The median age of people living in Kurtistown City is 49.6 years. Males live in the city. Those living in the town may also be residing in neighboring states. Therefore, if you are looking for a job in Kurtistown, make sure to check out the employment rates in the city.