Naalehu, Hawaii Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you want to know more about the population of Naalehu City, Hawaii, you should know its demographics. The median age of residents is 48 years. The average family size is 4.2 people, including children and parents. This is the lowest per capita number of all U.S. cities and ranks 16th in Hawaii. Naalehu has a large number of older residents.

Cost of living is one of the biggest considerations for anyone moving to a new city. Although Naalehu is cheaper than the national average, it is not always as inexpensive as some places in the U.S. However, costs of utilities and groceries are less expensive than other areas. The cost of health care is also lower than average. But if you want a peaceful environment, this city might not be for you.

During a standard year, violent crime rates in Naalehu are 2.73 per 1,000 residents. People in the north-eastern part of the city consider it to be the safest area, while the east-central part of the city is the most violent. Violent crime rates are based on crime rates per 1,000 residents and do not necessarily reflect the safety of the community.

The census was conducted in A.D. 1500 in Makaha, a city on the leeward side of Oahu. People from the island were asked to deposit stones on a pile that represented their district. This was the first population census in Hawaii. It numbered more than 2,000 people, of which sixty-five were referred to as menehune, a legendary race of small people.