Paia, Hawaii Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Paia is approximately 2,561 people. The median household income is $71,250. This data also provides information on the percentage of residents living below the poverty level. Paia also has a low crime rate and a high percentage of people who own their own homes. The following table provides important statistics and demographic information about the people of Paia. In addition, the data includes a breakdown of the types of jobs available in the city.

The Paia ZIP Code is the city's postal address. This code is also known as the city's default name. Using the default city name, the USPS is able to provide more accurate and relevant information to citizens. The list also provides the population, including 2010 and 2020 estimates. Paia's population and employment data are tagged to residential addresses and show the number of people living in the area.

In 2019 the population of Paia was about 2,25k people. Its median property value was $695,400. The homeownership rate was 68.3%. In the same year, most residents of Paia drove alone to work. The average commute time was 22.6 minutes. Paia's median household income is greater than the national average. Paia's median property value is greater than the average property value of the state.

Paia is a small and peaceful town. There are only a few loud groups that make noise. This town has a lower population density and is home to few college students and families with younger children. Paia's quieter atmosphere is a draw for visitors. The town is famous for its historic waterfront and tidal bodies of water. Paia residents enjoy being near the water and participating in the water activities.