Schofield Barracks, Hawaii Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What is the population & steets of Schofield Barracks City? This data can be found in the city's Census Bureau. The census also provides data on the race and ethnicity of people living in Schofield Barracks. The racial composition of the city's population is also important. While this city has a predominantly White population, some non-White people are also residing there.

In 2019, the median age in Schofield Barracks was 22.6 years. This figure was the same as in 2018, but decreased slightly. Native-born residents were generally younger than their counterparts. The foreign-born population was primarily from the Philippines, with 119,147 residents of Schofield Barracks, HI being born there. Other non-White countries included China and Japan.

The median property value in Schofield Barracks, HI was N/A in N/A, compared to N/A in neighboring geographies. Schofield Barracks has a homeownership rate of 0.561%, and the average commute time is 9.92 minutes. Approximately 82% of Schofield Barracks residents live alone, and the median household value is equal to the national average.