Dalton Gardens, Idaho Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Dalton Gardens is just a little over 15,000 people. The city is located in northern Idaho, about 25 miles from Spokane, Washington. The climate in Dalton Gardens is relatively mild. In fact, you can expect to enjoy snowy winters and mild summers in Dalton Gardens. You may also want to take the time to explore Dalton Gardens and its surrounding area.

The most common racial groups in Dalton Gardens, ID are White, followed by Black, Native American, and Other. Those living below the poverty line are generally non-working. The rate for full-time employees is 0.00%. For part-time workers, it is 0.63 percent. Non-workers make up 7.73% of the population. Males and females are most likely to be married in Dalton Gardens. Those working in Dalton Gardens are mostly older than the average Idaho resident.

The median property value in Dalton Gardens, ID is $399,000, putting it 1.66 times higher than the national average of $240,500. Dalton Gardens' homeownership rate is 93.2%, higher than the national average of 64.9%. Most people in Dalton Gardens, ID drive alone to work, which means they have an average commute time of 17.7 minutes. On average, people own three cars. The city has about 2.81k residents, and 3.7% of the population is foreign born.