Gibbonsville, Idaho Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Gibbonsville, ID is located in the state of Idaho. Using this data, you can easily compare the population and steets of Gibbonsville with those of other nearby towns. These lists can be useful when booking flights or planning road trips. You can even find out how far Gibbonsville is from nearby cities.

Gibbonsville's climate is generally mild. Temperatures here are usually in the mid-forties. However, the city gets very cold in the winter. It's usually below freezing in January. Since Gibbonsville is located in the Bitterroot Mountains, the climate here is generally warmer than that of higher elevations. The climate is classified as Warm Summer Humid Continental, which is different from most climates in this classification. Snowfall averages 80 inches per year and falls from November to April. January is the snowiest month.