Grangeville, Idaho Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you looking for the Population & Steets in Grangville City? The Census Bureau's On the Map shows that the population of Grangeville is around 1,280 people. The vast majority of people live within the city limits. However, people from the surrounding areas also commute to the city. As of 2011, there has been an increase in employment within the city. It is easy to find out the current employment levels in Grangeville, Idaho.

The city's Comprehensive Plan was approved in 1980 and was last amended in 2000. However, the city is currently participating in a Leading With Intention grant with Clearwater Economic Development Association, which will result in revision of its Comprehensive Plan. In the meantime, the city is actively working to attract new residents to the area and maintain its current quality of life. The Comprehensive Plan is the foundation for the future of Grangeville.

The median income in Grangeville is $22,113. This is middle-class income compared to the rest of Idaho. A family of four makes about $88,452 per year. This city is also diverse in terms of ethnicity. Residents report that they are White, Native American, and European. Those with Norwegian ancestry are notably underrepresented in the city. The population is comprised of both rich and poor residents.

The population of Grangeville City was spread across different age groups. A quarter of the population was under the age of 18, while another quarter was between the ages of 18-24. Twenty-three percent of residents were aged 45-64, and six percent were 65-and-older. The gender makeup of Grangeville City was 51.7% male and 48.7% female. It was important to note that the majority of people were white.