Hagerman, Idaho Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Do you want to know the Population & Steets in Hagersman City, Iowa? If so, you've come to the right place. Here you'll find the most recent data about this city. Just like any other city, Hagerman has its share of crime. Crime rates can range dramatically, so you'll want to check the crime map carefully. If you see red areas on the map, that doesn't necessarily mean it's dangerous for you or your family.

The population of Hagerman, ID is approximately 112 people. The median household income is $34,412, and the poverty rate is 12.7%. Hagerman has a low crime rate, and many residents are employed. The median property value is $118,500, and most households have two vehicles. The average commute time is 25.1 minutes. The median home price is $289,500, and the average appreciation over the last decade is 9.5%.

In addition to the Hagerman city statistics, the data will also include the population of nearby cities. There are numerous places that use the name Hagerman. In addition to the city itself, the city may be a town, village, or school. In any case, Hagerman has one ZIP code, which is D. The USPS uses this default name when referencing a city.

In terms of age, the median resident was 46.1 years old. Twenty-three percent of residents were under the age of 18, while 8.9% were aged 18-24. Twenty-five percent of residents were in the 25-44 age bracket, and twenty-one percent were 65 years and older. The gender split for this city was 48.3% males and 51.7% females. While the population is a small area, the demographics are not so small.