Osburn, Idaho Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following information provides an overview of the Population & Steets in Ogburn City. The city has a population of 1,429 people. The median household income in Osburn is $37,222. The poverty rate in Osburn is 11.4%, compared to the national average of 13.5%. This information can be useful for planning housing policy. Population and Steets in Osburn City are important economic indicators.

The following list shows the center of all cities within 143 miles of Osborne, KS. These cities can be used for flights to nearby major cities. If you don't want to fly, consider traveling by car to explore the surrounding area. Then, find the closest airport to your destination. Then, use this list to plan a road trip. You'll be surprised how convenient it is to look up the nearest major city.