Riggins, Idaho Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population and steets of Riggins City are not the same. The crime rate in the city is one in seventeen in the northeast section, but a whopping one in 23 in the south. Comparing these crime rates is not a simple task, but the map below provides a basic overview. You can see that most crimes occur in the southwest, while those in the northeast have lower crime rates.

The population of Riggins City, ID is 258. Its median property value is $162,500, and the homeownership rate is 59.7%. The majority of residents in Riggins drive to work alone. The average commute time is 24.3 minutes. Most Riggins residents own three cars. The median age for people in Riggins is 62.6. The median household income is $26,563. There is one minority in the city, with 0% of residents being Hispanic.

Listed below are the cities nearest to Riggins, ID. Use these towns as a reference when planning a trip to Riggins. You can also find nearby cities by searching the zip code. If you're looking for a place to live, consider Riggins. Listed below are the major cities and towns within 100 miles of the city. There are also several smaller towns that are close to Riggins.

The median household income in Riggins, ID is $26,563 per year. This is below the national median of $65,712.