Adair, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're curious about the population of Adair City, you may want to learn more about the state of Iowa. This town is located in Adair County, IA, just a short drive from Des Moines. Its population is around 146.81% white, 0.6% black, and 1.8% Hispanic. There are approximately 675 homeowners and 165 renters in Adair. The median household income is $42,105, and the average household income is $51,476. The locality has a 74% high school graduation rate, and 57% of college graduates drop out.

The zip code for Adair is D. Although residents often refer to the city as "Not Acceptable," the USPS uses its default name. For this reason, Adair does not have a local nickname. However, you can find out the population by clicking on the link below. In Adair, you can also see the number of residents, age groups, race, and ethnicity. Adair's zip code is D-33.

The population of Adair City is approximately 25,607 people. The city is located on a plateau and is surrounded by rolling hills. The county seat is located in Adair City. The county was formed in 1851 from the parts of Pottawattamie County. John Adair was the eighth governor of Kentucky. The county is governed by a three-member County Commission. It is governed by laws granted by the state of Missouri.