Allenville, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you want to know the population and steets of Allenville City, you've come to the right place. Allenville is a city located in the state of Arizona. Its history dates back to 1944 when Black man John Allen bought the land from a Phoenix realtor. At the time, Allenville had a population of only 400 people, divided among 60 to 70 families. In addition, Allenville residents had undrinkable water and had to boil it before drinking. To get fresh water, residents had to haul it from Buckeye.

When looking for flights, try searching for cities in the vicinity. Usually, big cities have their own airports. If Allenville, MO, doesn't have one, try searching for cities in nearby regions. A good option is to find flights to cities within 4 hours of Allenville, MO. A list of cities near Allenville City, MO is provided below. It can be helpful for those who want to explore the area.

You can also compare crime rates by neighborhood. The number of burglaries per resident in Allenville is fewer than the average of other cities. However, you shouldn't rely solely on the number of crimes in a neighborhood to assess its safety. A neighborhood near a park, for example, may have a lower crime rate than another neighborhood in the city. Just remember that crime happens where people are.