Aviston, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What's the Population & Steets in Avison City? Aviston is a small city in Illinois. With a population of approximately 4,800, it's the fourth smallest city in Illinois. Its overall median age is 35.2, which is considerably younger than the surrounding city of Germantown, which is 44.1. Aviston is home to both men and women, and is comprised primarily of white residents.

Aviston is home to 85% married couples, the highest in the state. Its lowest percentage of single people is 7%. The city has the highest number of family heads and households per household, and the largest average size of a household. In addition, it's a family-friendly city, which means that there are plenty of opportunities for single people to find a job. There are a couple of nearby colleges and universities, but these are not the only ones within 35 miles.

Income and housing costs are the biggest concerns for Aviston residents. It's important to remember that housing costs are often a significant portion of one's total income. Fortunately, housing costs in Aviston are much lower than in neighboring cities. In 2016, nearly 80% of Aviston residents had health insurance coverage, with the majority of people having employee plans. Of those with non-group plans, the percentage was 11.1%.

Among Aviston's population, a little over two thousand people live in the city. Ninety-one percent of the city is White. The rest is Hispanic and includes 1% of the city's residents. Hispanic residents make up 1.49% of the population in Aviston. A significant percentage of residents are poor. The overall poverty rate is 2.6%. Despite the large number of low-income families, a small percentage live in a household below the federal poverty line.