Bardolph, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

A quick look at the population and steets of Bardolph City will give you a great idea of the community's ethnic diversity. Below is a map of the racial makeup of the town, broken down by area. The darker shades indicate larger racial majorities. For more detailed information, you can see the diversity score for each area. Areas that are more diverse are green while those that are more racially mixed are red.

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 99.7% of residents in Bardolph are US citizens. That's higher than the national average. Additionally, the median home value in Bardolph, IL is $24,400, and the median home appreciation over the past decade is 4.0%. Bardolph has a large number of veterans who served in the Vietnam War, as indicated in the local census.

The population of Bardolph is 289 people. The median age is 39.5, and the median household income is $25,833 per year. There are 5 ethnic groups in Bardolph, IL. The most common group is white, with a median income of $28,600. This city has a high homeownership rate, at 79.7%. The median car ownership rate in Bardolph, IL is one car per household.