Beckemeyer, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're looking to relocate to Beckemeyer, IL, you might be wondering: What is the Population & Steets of Beckemeyer City? The following information should help you find the answer to these questions. Before moving to Beckemeyer, IL, consider these nearby cities and towns. These locations are within 41 miles of Beckemeyer. Listed below are the top three closest cities to Beckemeyer, IL.

Climate in the city varies by season. The longest day in Beckemeyer, Illinois is 14 hours, 51 minutes, while the shortest day is nine hours and twenty-one minutes. The city's climate can be described as mild, with the average temperature hovering around 50Fdeg. The city enjoys warm, pleasant temperatures during the spring and summer months. Winter months, including January, are the coldest.

The population of Beckemeyer, IL is comprised of Whites, Blacks, and Native Americans. There are 17.8% of American residents who are Hispanic or Latino and 2.6% of residents who are other races. During the census, respondents are asked about their ancestry and the most common ancestry is German, Italian, and Irish. The most highly concentrated ancestry groups in Beckemeyer are Croatian and German.

Census data from 2010 shows that there are around 1,040 people living in Beckemeyer. The population of Beckemeyer is estimated to reach 999 people in 2020. The city was founded 156 years ago in 1865. If you are interested in living in the city, you can find out more about schools, neighborhoods, and more. You'll be surprised by the amount of information you'll learn!