Bensenville, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

When planning a vacation in the city of Bensenville, Illinois, you should know the population and steets. These numbers will give you a feel for the city's demographics. Bensenville has a population of just over 9000. The city is home to the Bensenville Historical Society, Eukya Products, Durable Textile CO, and the Bensenville Historical Museum.

The median age for residents of Bensenville, IL is 36.1. This figure includes native-born residents, who are 35 years old on average, and foreign-born residents, who are 44 years old on average. The age of Bensenville residents is also growing older; in 2018, the median age of residents was 35 years old. In terms of racial diversity, the majority of residents of Bensenville City are White. The second largest racial group is Hispanic, with almost 13,000 people in Bensenville residing in this country.

The city of Bensenville, Illinois is located in DuPage County, Illinois. It also includes a portion of Cook County. According to the US Census, the population of Bensenville is 18,813 as of the 2020 census. Other places worth visiting in the city are Edge Ice Arena, which was once home to the Chicago Steel junior ice hockey team. Churchville School is a National Register of Historic Places listing and Zion-Concord Lutheran School are two private schools.