Boles, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What is the Population & Steets in Boses City? This article will tell you how many people live in Boles City, Illinois. You'll also learn what the median age of the people in the city is. The population in Boles City is quite mixed. There were approximately 24.6% of those under 18 and 8.8% of those aged 25 to 34. Twenty-four percent of residents were from thirty-five to forty-four, while twenty-five percent were aged 45-64. Lastly, there were about 17.8% of people over the age of 65.

The most recent census data available for this census tract shows that the population is primarily black. In 1950, the area had a large percentage of white residents. In 2000, the population was 98% black, with 42 people reporting as non-white. The population density has decreased, however. In fact, the census data shows that the city has lost a substantial portion of its white population. While it remains a predominantly black neighborhood, the population has shrunk in the past decade.