Buckley, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What are the Demographics of Buckley City? The population of Buckley City has steadily increased since 2010, with only a brief dip during the Great Recession. The city has a higher than average household income than the rest of Pierce County. About one-third of the working population commutes from out-of-town. The COVID-19 pandemic may have contributed to the drop, however.

The USPS uses Buckley as its designated name, and Buckley City is no exception. Its zip code, however, is D (Default), the preferred name for this city. Each ZIP code has a single default name. For example, Buckley has a ZIP code of D--the default name. In other words, a 5-digit zip code can be used to find addresses in Buckley.

Family size in Buckley is the third highest in the area, with 81% of families headed by a husband and wife. The average household size in Buckley is 1.4 persons. This is smaller than the average family size in the rest of the area. It is estimated that about 17% of Buckley residents live in a family. However, it is still the third-largest city in the state.

The population of Buckley City is 717 people, with a commute time of 21.0 minutes. The median home price in Buckley is $193,100, and home appreciation in the last ten years has been 7.9%. There are also many things to do in Buckley City, WA. Listed below are a few facts about this great city. While Buckley City is one of the smaller cities in the state, it is one of the most affordable.