Cambridge, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What's the Population & Steets in Cambridge? This article will answer those questions and more. Learn about the history of this Boston neighborhood. This neighborhood is home to Harvard University. It's also home to a thriving biotech industry. In addition to being home to Harvard University, this neighborhood is home to some of Cambridge's most famous buildings, including MIT's campus and the new Cambridge Innovation Center.

There are around 791 people living in Cambridge City. The city's population peaked at over 120,000 in the 1950s, but it's down to a little over 107,000 today. That's a big change from six decades ago, when families were much larger. Now, living space and amenities have changed greatly. If Cambridge were to maintain the population density of its 1950s population, the city would have to add more housing units.

In Cambridge, racial diversity is significant. A majority of Black households are renters. During the period between 1990 and 2000, Black residents represented over twenty percent of Cambridge households. In addition, Black residents in the city are among the longest-term residents of the city. More than a third of Black residents have been in Cambridge for at least ten years. And this trend continues to the present.

The Cambridge Civic Association is a civic organization with a long history. Founded in 1945, the association was active in the 1930s and lobbied the state legislature to pass Plan E, a charter option that features proportional representation elections for city council and school committee. The city's charter was established in 1207 and the city's first mayor, Harvey FitzEustace, served as mayor in the same year. The organization's early themes were anti-patronage and professionally managed local government.