Campbell Hill, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Whether you're planning a trip to Campbell Hill, IL, or are just looking for some basic information about the neighborhood, this article will provide you with a good overview of the city. You'll discover where the most people live and what their household income is, as well as how many of those people have cars. In fact, if you want to know the exact number of cars in Campbell Hill, IL, you can use the interactive crime map to see how many of these vehicles are parked in the area.

The population of Campbell Hill is estimated at 20,000. There are currently 1 bank branches within the city, including the First State Bank of Campbell Hill. It is located in the Paducah - Cape Girardeau metropolitan area. The area code for Campbell Hill is 618, making it a Lower Middle Class zip code in Illinois. The area is also home to several other institutions, including schools, churches, and parks.

While the number of foreign-born residents in the city is relatively low, the percentage of Americans who are living in poverty in Campbell Hill is significantly higher than the national average, at 74.4%. While the income gap is not as large as that of other cities in Illinois, it is still above the national average. In addition, the city has a large number of military veterans, including those who served in Vietnam.