Catlin, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're interested in learning more about the city's demographics, it's time to check out Population & Steets in Catlain City. The population of Catlin is expected to be 8,390 people in 2020, up from 6,790 in 2010. You can also find out where the population grew in the past decade. If you're interested in the schools and museums, visit the city's School Page.

The Catlin Police Department is a law enforcement agency in Vermilion County, Illinois. The department is an independent agency of the Vermilion County Sheriff's Department, and is responsible for patrolling the town of Catlin. It has a headquarters at 109 South Sandusky Street, and is headed by a chief. He oversees the department's operations. You can find information about crime rates in Catlin and the area by visiting Crime Statistics.

The Catlin Police Department is an independent agency that operates in accordance with federal and state laws. The department is subject to various oversight procedures and is funded through federal grants. The administration bureau provides services such as personnel service, budget management, and logistical data. The Chief of Staff's office provides administrative roles to the chief of police. In addition to these services, the department also has patrol divisions and a Reserve Officer program.