Chatham, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking for information on population and steets in Chatham City, you have come to the right place. We have the most accurate data available to you in one place. Read on to learn more. The population of Chatham City is rapidly growing. However, the city still has some challenges, including a high unemployment rate, a small pool of people aged between 19 and 34, and a lagging housing market.

The age of the population is a significant contributing factor to poverty rates and lower median household income. In 2016, a higher percentage of Chatham residents were sixty-five and eighty-one percent white than in the rest of the city. That income gap has increased since 2010, and the majority of households in Chatham are now older. The age of the residents in these neighborhoods also means they have fewer options for affordable housing.

In Chatham City, there are about 120 businesses. That's about 2.5 percent of the total number of businesses in the area. This percentage is lower than in the rest of Chicago, where 75 percent of the businesses are small. The shrinking proportion of small businesses suggests a shift away from small businesses. In addition, the city's population is overwhelmingly white, and is considered to be a safe place for families.

The number of residents in Chatham is expected to drop between now and 2025. The projected population of the city between 2025 is 6,415, with 682 people under the age of 20. The projected population among these age groups is also expected to decrease by 16%, which is in line with MAPC 2030 projections. But there's good news for those looking to live in Chatham. Despite the city's low growth, housing costs in Chatham remain high.