Chicago Ridge, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Chicago Ridge City, Illinois, is approximately 16,526 people. The median property value in Chicago Ridge was $160,500 in 2019. This is about 0.667 times lower than the national average. In addition, the racial and ethnic composition of the city's population affected the GINI. Chicago Ridge had a high percentage of households with income below the poverty level; thus, a large portion of the population was considered to be living in poverty.

Located in the northeastern part of Illinois, Chicago Ridge is located along Lake Michigan. Depending on what month of the year you visit Chicago Ridge, you can find the weather most pleasant. Meanwhile, the coldest months are January and February. For a more accurate analysis, you may want to visit the local weather page. There is a climate chart available for this city, as well. For example, if you live in the city during these months, you may want to consider driving or taking the bus or subway.

The city's economy was booming in the 1860s, but the Great Depression shook the city's economy. The city was a hotbed of labor activism during this time, and the town's Unemployed Councils contributed a great deal to the cause of solidarity for the poor. During the 1930s, socialist and communist groups began organizing unemployed people in Chicago, which led to the formation of the Workers Alliance of America.