Dalton City, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you want to know the population and steets of Dalton City, Illinois, you have come to the right place. Here, you will find the latest data on the city's population and steets. In fact, you can use these statistics to understand your community better. With this data, you will know how many people live in Dalton City and how much it costs to live in the city.

The population of Dalton City is mainly White, with a small percentage of Black residents. The majority of residents in Dalton City, IL speak English, which is the most common language in the country. However, this number varies among racial and ethnic groups. In Illinois, 91.3% of the population is classified as speaking only English and 91.5% speak it very well.

The number of violent crimes in Dalton City is 1.95 per 1,000 residents in a standard year. This is considered one of the safest parts of the city. If you live in the south, your risk of being a victim of a violent crime is one in every 452. However, if you live in the west part of the city, your chances are one in seventy-six. However, the data on a city's violent crime rate isn't quite that easy to come by.

Dalton City has a population of about 33,653. The majority of residents are White, with just over a quarter of its people being Hispanic. Hispanic residents, on the other hand, speak Spanish fluently. This means that even if the rate of violent crime is higher than the national average, residents in Dalton City are safe. A crime map showing this statistic will help you determine if the area is safe for families.