Davis Junction, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Davis Junction, Illinois population is 2,344 people, which has increased 11.5% since 2020. This city has a median home value of $178,200, and the average commute time is 29.6 minutes, which is about the national average. Home appreciation in Davis Junction has decreased by 2.8% over the last 10 years. For more information on the area, check out the map below. Here, you can find more information on the city and its surrounding areas.

One of the things that you can do to avoid getting arrested in Davis Junction is to know the crime rate in the city. Crime rates tend to be higher in areas near major parks and airports. Although this may seem counter-intuitive, crime does happen where people are. For example, if the population of the city is low in the downtown area, the crime rate may be higher than in the surrounding neighborhoods.

The city was first settled by Native Americans. In the 1830s, Jerome and Mary Davis purchased a large portion of the ranch in the area. Soon, the railroad began operations in the city. This made it an important stop along the Sacramento-Central Valley railroad line. The development of a north-south railroad line made Davis Junction an important transport center for the region. The population and the number of people living in Davis grew, and the city became a hub for railroad activity.

The median household income for the people in Davis Junction is $72,031, which is higher than the national average of $65,712. The city's median home price is $13,768. The median monthly rent is $996. There are 88.0% of households with a broadband connection. Compared to other cities in the state, the city is more diverse than its neighboring towns. However, there is a significant racial and ethnic diversity in Davis Junction.