Eureka, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you want to know the population and steets of Eureka City, CA, then you have come to the right place. This article will show you how the city is spread across the map and how many people live there. It will also give you an idea about how much crime has occurred in the city. In addition, you will be able to get a quick overview of its history and population.

In 2019 the population of Eureka City was 27k people. This number went up from the previous year by 0.49%. In the same year, 10.7% of residents carpooled to work. However, 7.22% of residents worked at home. Below, you can see the percentage of households using each mode of transportation in Eureka over the last three years. Note that the y-axis is on a logarithmic scale, which makes it easier to see the variation in smaller means of commuting.

The population and steets of Eureka City are available at the US Census website. The city has a population of up to 50,000 people. Its population is spread across a number of unincorporated neighborhoods and Census Defined Places. Residents in Eureka City are split between the city center, the Humboldt Bay, and several river areas. The city is a commercial fishing hub and the largest deepwater port between the San Francisco Bay and Coos Bay. In addition, the city is home to the Six Rivers National Forest and the North Coast Redwoods District, which is part of the California State Parks System.