Keensburg, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking for a place to call home, consider the population & steets of Keensburg City, CO. This city is located in the state of Colorado, within a radius of 33 miles of the surrounding cities. Here, you will learn more about this community. The population of Keensburg City is over 1,000 people. A majority of the residents of this city reside outside the town's limits. This city still retains a small town feel and most residents have been in this area for decades.

The population of Keensburg City is about 25 percent of the state's total. The city has a history of supporting the United States Marine Corps and is home to the Fort Lupton Air Force Base. The population of this city is estimated to increase by 57.4% by 2020, according to Census Bureau estimates. Keensburg also has a high number of military personnel, including many from Vietnam.

The population of Keensburg City is 1.302 people. It is located 55 miles north of Denver. The median home price in Keensburg is $537,100. Home appreciation in the last decade is eight percent. You can explore the city's various categories by navigating the Interactive Map. This map helps you discover different areas within Keensburg, CO. It can also show you how many people live in each category.