Martinton, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What are the Population & Steets in Martintion City? Martinton is located in Illinois, United States. You can see the street map of Martinton online and move around to see different areas. The information on the map is provided for reference purposes only. It should not be considered definitive or comprehensive. The information is based on the proper boundaries of Martinton. For more detailed information, please see the Martinton, Illinois, United States page.

The population of Martinton, IL is approximately 11,500. The population of this city is highly concentrated in white people, though there are also large numbers of people in their late twenties and early thirties. The city is mostly comprised of households and a small number of single parents. There are about as many children living in a single household as in the rest of the country. The percentage of vacancies is below the national average.

The median household income in Martinton is $47,300. The average household income is $55,514. Martinton, IL is home to 16.5% Hispanic and two+-ethnic groups. In the census, residents identify as White (Non-Hispanic) and Hispanic or Latino. The percentage of foreign-born citizens in Martinton, IL is approximately 3%.