Merrionette Park, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What are the population and steets in Merrionette Park City? You can find out the details by reading this article. Here are some statistics on the area. Merrionette Park has 1,969 people according to the 2020 census. For more information, please visit Wikipedia: Merrionette Park City. It is a village located in Cook County, Illinois. As of 2010, the population of the city was 1,956.

This community is mostly white, and in the 1990s, there were only a few minority groups. Its small commercial core helped it maintain its financial stability. In 1997, it celebrated its 50th anniversary. As its population grew, the need for more services grew. The executive board of the Merrionette Park Property Owners Association (MPPOA) formulated a report that identified the city's needs and outlined a few options for the future.

The median real estate price in Merrionette Park is $155,851, making it more expensive than 32% of Illinois neighborhoods and 24.6% of U.S. neighborhoods. Average rents in Merrionette Park are $1,396, significantly lower than the median price in most other neighborhoods. This suburb of Chicago, Illinois is home to many businesses, including a major grocery store. This is a place for businesses to grow and thrive.

The median income for Merrionette Park is $36,278, while the median income for families is $47,143. The average income for men is $35,833 and $36,150 for women. Compared to neighboring cities like Riverside and Orland Park, Merrionette Park rent burden is lower than the state average of 30.3%. The median rent for the city is $22,479. The majority of households in Merrionette Park are renters.