Mundelein, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking for information about the population and steets of Mundelein City, you've come to the right place. Below you will find demographic information about the city and its surrounding suburbs. Find out what the median age is in Mundelein and other interesting facts. Find out what percentage of the population is single. This information is very helpful in determining the size of your neighborhood.

The population of Mundelein City includes 18% people from Europe. This makes it the second smallest population percentage for people born in Europe. The largest percentage of non citizens come from Oceania, while 50% of residents are from the Americas. The median age of non citizens in Mundelein is 40.3 years. The age of non citizens varies greatly depending on race and income levels, and this information is useful when making comparisons.

The most significant demographics are the ratio of married couples to single persons. Mundelein households are more likely to contain married couples, while families led by single men and women make up the majority of households. Mundelein households have the most married couples, with 84% of them married. This shows that Mundelein is one of the best places to start a business or expand. If you are looking for a location that is convenient to your employees and customers, Mundelein is a great choice.

The area is located along the shores of Lake Michigan in northeastern Illinois. The climate in the city is moderate and temperate year-round, with the coldest months occurring in January and February. A few schools in the area are Catholic. There are also many public and private schools in Mundelein. The area has a strong Catholic population. The College of Lake County is located nearby. A number of employers have offices in Mundelein.