Murrayville, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Population & Steets in Murrayvill City are listed below. You can also find out the poverty rate, which indicates a slightly worse quality of life in Murrayville than it is in the rest of the state. This information can be valuable in planning your vacation, as it helps you decide where to stay and where to eat. This information can also help you find the distance to your destination.

The most common racial or ethnic groups in Murrayville are white, black, or African American. Hispanics make up 0.4% of the population. These individuals can be of any race, so the numbers are not necessarily representative of the entire population. Similarly, people of African descent make up about 1% of the population in Murrayville. If you have never lived in Murrayville before, you should definitely check out the statistics!

For the Murrayville / Price neighborhood, residents are a diverse group. In terms of ethnicity, Murrayville / Price has more people with British ancestry than any other neighborhood. In addition, this neighborhood has an above average safety rating, and there are many housing options available for seniors. This neighborhood has already attracted a mix of college-educated senior citizens who live in the city. Overall, this neighborhood ranks better for retirement living than 89.5% of other neighborhoods in Georgia.

The USPS uses the name "Murrayville" in its designation of this place. It's a common name for the area, as it's used by many different places in the city. This area also contains a roundabout in the city center, as it's near Old Yale Road. Murrayville is also home to the Langley Memorial Hospital. Located on the northeast corner of the district, Murrayville is one of the oldest areas in Langley. Eight of the building lots in the city were constructed before the 1930s, and there are many heritage houses.