Niota, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Population & Steets in Nitota City, Tennessee are a snapshot of the community's overall demographics. This city's median age of 42.6 years puts it among the top three ages in the greater Niota area. Meanwhile, Englewood's median age of 45.9 is the highest overall age in the area, and is 5.9% larger than Niota. Here are some other demographic facts about the city's people:

A good place to live is near a variety of amenities. Niota residents love ordering Wendy's burgers. If you're craving a more sit-down meal, you can check out Gondlier or The Shack. Niota residents can also find a quaint neighborhood eatery in their neighborhood. Located near Interstate 35, Niota boasts many shopping options and many dining options.

The population of Niota City, Tennessee has an unusually high proportion of naturalized citizens. Only Athens and Niota City have a higher percentage. As for the original place of birth, Niota is unique among mid-sized cities in this regard. Although there are a few other communities in the region with smaller percentages of native citizens, this city has a high proportion of naturalized citizens.

The City's median household income was $28,750. The median income for males was $30,119, and that for females, it was $21,964 respectively. The city's per capita income was $15,152. Overall, 8.6% of households and 12.1% of the population were below the poverty line. The number of males exceeded females nine times to one. For those aged sixty-five and above, the ratio was 88.3 to one.