Nokomis, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Nokomis, Florida is a city in the United States. The population is estimated to be 8,857 people. According to the United States Census Bureau, there are 1,544 households in the city. Of these households, 19.8% of them were children under the age of eighteen. Forty-nine percent of these households were married couples, with twenty-eight percent of these households having at least one child. Of the remaining households, thirty-one percent of them were non-families. Another thirty-one percent were individuals. Nokomis is home to many senior citizens and has a population of just over 1,600.

Nokomis has an estimated 0.4% of Hispanic residents. Hispanics are considered to be any race and do not fall into a specific ethnicity category. Hispanics in Nokomis City make up about 0.4% of the population, but these numbers do not represent the entire city. The rest of the population is white. Whether you're interested in a specific racial group, you'll be able to find information on it using this tool.

The historical earthquake activity in Nokomis, FL is significantly higher than the state and national average, but is only nine percent smaller than the U.S. average. Residents of Nokomis, FL can choose between 10 broadband internet providers, including satellite, terrestrial fixed wireless, fiber, and Asymmetrical xDSL. The higher the walk score, the higher the noise. You should expect to pay higher property taxes if you live in Nokomis.