North Barrington, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are wondering about the population and steets of North Barrington City, Illinois, you have come to the right place. This article will show you the demographics of this city, as well as the crime rate. You can also compare this city to nearby cities to get a better picture of the overall crime rate. Just as you'd expect, crime is lower in North Barrington than it is in most other nearby communities. However, that doesn't mean that North Barrington is completely safe.

When it comes to diversity, the color green represents areas that are more ethnically diverse than those in red. Diversity is a desirable attribute to seek in a city, as people of different ethnicities and cultures live in close proximity to each other. A city that is overwhelmingly white and black would be considered lacking in diversity. In addition, there are some minority communities located in North Barrington. The population of this area has a mixed-race population.

Although North Barrington City is a relatively small town, the population is growing rapidly and is expected to reach 3,195 residents in 2020. The city's median home value of $532,000 is extremely high, compared to the rest of the country and other nearby ZIP codes. Renting a three or four-bedroom house for more than $1,000 a month is the norm. The median age of people living in the city is 50.4 years old, with males in their 50s and females at 49.