North Pekin, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of North Pekin City is 1,573 as of the 2010 census. It is located in Tazewell County, Illinois and is part of the Peoria, Illinois Metropolitan Statistical Area. To learn more about the town, explore the following sections. There is also a map available. The following sections describe the population and steets of North Pekin. To get more detailed information, you can contact the village hall in North Pekin.

A map of North Pekin City, IL can be found by visiting the U.S. Census Bureau. It also includes information on crime statistics. While no city is completely safe, North Pekin's crime rate has decreased in recent years. The community is considered safe by the FBI, and residents have a high sense of community safety. The city also boasts a high school and public library.

The village's population was fairly even. Approximately 25.9% of its people were under the age of 18. Another 10.6% were females who were not married. Twenty-four percent of households were non-families. The rest were comprised of individuals. The remaining 7.8% were senior citizens living alone. North Pekin City is not a small city. This article will explain some demographic facts about the community.

The average age of the residents in North Pekin is 36 years. The average family size in the city is 2.92 people. However, the median income is $94 per person. You can also check the average rent in North Pekin by looking at recent statistics. Aside from that, the average rent in North Pekin is $928. If you are relocating or looking for a home for the first time, you should always do your research.