Oak Lawn, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following table summarizes the Population & Steets of Oak Lawn, Illinois. It includes data on the percentage of people without health insurance and those who have coverage. There is also data on the number of individuals enrolled in various types of health insurance in Oak Lawn. The data for Oak Lawn, Illinois was compiled using Census data tagged to a residential address. For example, 79.5% of residents drove alone to work, whereas 8.69% used public transit.

The population of Oak Lawn City was 57 000 in 2014 and is expected to rise to 57 734 by 2022. Note that population data can change due to boundary changes, so you must use caution in using it. Also, the data provided are not guaranteed to be accurate, timely, and complete. Regardless of its source, it is an excellent resource to learn more about the locality.

The US Census uses money-based racial and ethnic categories to measure the poverty rate in cities. The higher the color, the higher the racial or ethnic majority. The following map depicts the racial and ethnic diversity in Oak Lawn. The more green or blue areas are considered diverse. Areas with higher racial diversity are better than areas with lower racial diversity.

According to the United States Census Bureau, Oak Lawn is a very desirable city for residents. Its livability score is 69, making it a desirable place to live. The city has low crime rates and scores well on local amenities. Additionally, the city has a low violent crime rate. In addition, the city enjoys high marks for education, crime, and local amenities. If you are considering moving to Oak Lawn, you might want to check out the livability score before you make the final decision.