Oblong, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What's the Population & Steets in Obong City, Illinois? Find out in this quick guide to the Illinois town. The information you'll find here can help you plan a trip to this sleepy community. And be sure to take some time to explore its surroundings, as well. You might be surprised by what you find! If you love history and exploring historic sites, Oblong is the place for you.

The population of Oblong is approximately 1,472 people. The median household income is $37,131. Among the economic factors in Oblong, the poverty rate is 5.1%, which is considered to be a low number. Nevertheless, the city has plenty of opportunities for residents. For example, there is a public grade school and a junior college. The Oblong public schools are a great place to raise a family, and you can learn more about your neighbors by visiting a local museum.

In addition to museums, Oblong is also home to the Illinois Oil Field Museum and Resource Center, which houses early oilfield artifacts. Visitors can also find local history resource books and 19th century oil field records. You can also shop and eat in the town's historic main street. The Oblong Park is another popular destination. During the summer, you can camp and picnic near the lake.

The USPS has listed Oblong as a community with a default name. This means that it has a lower rent burden than the state average of 30.3%, but the rent burden in Oblong is lower than its neighbors: Haubstadt and Staunton, which are both smaller towns with higher populations. The city's average cost of living is $1,388 per month. If you are looking for affordable housing in Oblong, this could be the perfect hideaway.