Oquawka, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Mississippi River is a popular waterway, and the City of Oquawka is no exception. During the 1840s, Oquawka became a busy river port. By 1848, its riverfront was lined with warehouses and graded rock. In 1848, a report listed significant quantities of cargo exported from Oquawka. Today, the City of Oquawka continues to be a popular recreation destination.

In Oquawka, there were 656 households with at least one member under the age of 18. Of these, 51.2% were made up of married couples, while 8.5% of households were made up of a female householder without her husband present. Thirty-seven percent of households were non-families, and the remaining 31.6% were individual households. One-fifth of the population was over 65 years old. The average household size in Oquawka was 2.31 people, and the median family size was 2.87.

The Oquawka City IL census reports that 1,452 residents of voting age are of mixed race. Approximately 46.7% of Oquawka's citizens are white and 71.2% are black. One percent of residents is Hispanic. One percent of the city is Pacific Islander. There are also a handful of people of mixed race. The city is home to many ethnic groups, including Native Americans, African-Americans, and Asians.

The city of Oquawka IL is relatively safe from terrorism. The population is age-mixed. The average age of male residents is forty-five, while the average age of females is forty-six. The city's median home value is $79,200. The home appreciation rate for Oquawka IL residents is one-third of the national average.