Papineau, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are interested in knowing more about Papineau, IL, you will be interested in the information presented below. This article will highlight the population and steets of Papineau and provide you with the data you need to make an informed decision. To help you make that decision, we have gathered data from various sources. These data are accurate as of the most recent year and are based on publicly available information.

The Village of Papineau is part of the Township of the same name. The majority of people in the community are White, with 17 Two+ (Non-Hispanic) residents. There are two Asian residents and a total of 0% of residents being hispanic. In addition, zero residents of Papineau are hispanic, while 0.877% are foreign-born. In terms of diversity, Papineau, IL is predominantly white, with zero percent of residents belonging to a non-Hispanic ethnic group.

The Census found that Papineau City had a median age of 28 years. The number of single parents and children under eighteen living in the community was high, but low in the population of older adults. Only 8.3% of the community was below the poverty line, with the majority of residents being married. One third of households was composed of non-families. One fifth of households comprised seniors, and the median household size was 3.27.

The western part of Papineau City is not directly accessible by Metro, but it is connected to the other parts of the city by a bus route. The 105 bus route begins at the Vendome Metro station and continues down Sherbrooke Street. This route serves the entire neighbourhood. It is also part of the Papineau electoral district, which is represented by Justin Trudeau. It has a population of about 423,000, with nearly one-third of them being immigrants.