Red Bud, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

This section contains information about the population and steets of Red Bud City. Using the information in this section, you can compare different properties. You can also view the city's map and satellite image to determine its approximate location. Red Bud has several hotels listed that are ranked by value for money. Book a hotel in Red Bud at a price that fits your budget and requirements. Red Bud has some excellent hotels, but you can always use a discount coupon code to get the best deal.

The median household income for Red Bud is $174300. The city has a low unemployment rate, which is approximately 2.32%. The median home price is $174300. As of the 2010 census, Red Bud had a population of 3,623 residents. It was a good place to raise a family, but the poverty rate was quite high. The area was known for its small businesses, and the local economy was struggling in the 1970s.

While Red Bud city has a low unemployment rate and has an affordable housing market, it still has a lot of problems, including evictions. While there are a lot of reasons for eviction, the main one is failure to pay rent. When the number of evictions is high, it is a sign that the economy is not doing so well. With that in mind, the city's economy is in bad shape and needs to be improved.