Ridge Farm, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following information is for the purpose of providing you with a basic understanding of the Population & Steets of Ridge Farm City, Illinois. It should be noted that the city's population is primarily made up of people of white ethnicity. However, a small percentage of the population is Hispanic, and only 5.0% of the population identifies as Hispanic. In addition, 11.6% of the people in Ridge Farm are considered to be below the poverty line, including 8.6% of the population who are living in poverty. Nevertheless, most of the residents of Ridge Farm, Illinois are in the labor force and have at least a high school education.

The number of households in Ridge Farm City was 365, of which 31.0% were under the age of 18. The next largest age group was 25 to 44, with 14.6% being 45-64. Lastly, 15.6% of the population were 65 years of age or older. In the village, the average household size was two persons, and there were only 89 females for every 100 males. Therefore, it's likely that most of the residents of Ridge Farm City are either single, married, or have children.