Schiller Park, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population and steets of Schiller Park City, Illinois is easy to find - with just a few clicks. You can find this city's population and steets by comparing the number of households residing in it to the number of people living in nearby cities. In addition to the population statistics, you can also find out how many households are renting a home in the city.

The city is home to 11,834 people and a median household income of $49111. This is a very low poverty rate and is indicative of the economic situation of the city. Among the working population, 83.9% of households are single, while only 4.64% use public transportation to commute. Fortunately, the Schiller Park school district offers an array of different programs for residents to choose from.

The population of Schiller Park is composed of 29.8% white people, 14.2% Hispanics, 5.4% Asians, 2.2% black, 1.0% two or more races, and 0.7% American Indians. The median household income is $54,099. The city has a high rate of homeownership, with 58.9% of units being owned and 41.1% rented. A high percentage of the population is employed, which indicates a steady increase in housing prices.