Secor, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following information on the population and steets of Secor, IL is provided by the Census Bureau. The median property value in Secor, IL is $82,100, which is 0.341 times smaller than the national average. In Secor, IL, the homeownership rate is 88.8%, and the median time for commuting to work is 23.8 minutes. Secor, IL households have a median property value of $82,100, and the average number of cars in the neighborhood is two.

The median household income in Secor, IL is $54,712, which is lower than the national average of $65,712. However, it is still significantly higher than the median income of $52,273 in neighboring geographies. Additionally, Secor, IL households make 4.67% more than the national average. Secor, IL has a higher percentage of homeowners than its neighboring geographies.

The median age in Secor, IL was 48.3, and the percentage of residents who were US citizens was 99.3%. However, the percentage of foreign-born residents is increasing and decreased from 99.7% in 2018. Secor, IL has a very low foreign-born population. Its average household income per household was $54,712 in 2019.