Shawneetown, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What are the Population & Steets in Shaweneetown City? If you are planning to visit the area, it is important to have some basic information on the town and surrounding areas. This information can help you plan a trip to Old Shawneetown, IL, or other surrounding cities. These facts will help you learn more about the area and get a feel for the way the local people live.

In Shawneetown City, the population is divided by age groups. In the last census, twenty-seven percent of the population was under the age of 18 and twenty-nine percent was between the ages of 25 and 64. There were also nineteen percent of single people living alone. The average household size was 2.20, and there were around two families per 100 residents.

Despite the large number of people living in Shawneetown, the majority of the residents are U.S. citizens. The median property value was $60,300, and the homeownership rate was 70.7%. Most Shawneetown residents commuted alone to work. The average commute time was 22.1 minutes. Most households owned at least one car. The median home value was eighty-one thousand dollars, and the appreciation rate in the last ten years was only 1.3%.