Shobonier, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Interested in the Population & Steets of Shobonier City, Illinois? Here is a quick overview of the city's demographics. The population of Shobonier is made up of 945 people living in 79 households. Its median housing value is $87,857. The average household size is two people. The median age is 34.6. The median household income is $58,333. The city is largely composed of white people (21.7%) and a minority population of 2.8% Hispanic individuals. Approximately 69% of the population in this city is educated and employable.

Although crime rates may appear high in areas near major parks and airports, these areas often contain a low population of people. In fact, the majority of Shobonier's population does not live within these areas. This can make it appear as though the area is more dangerous based on its crime rate. Remember that crime happens where people are. So don't be fooled by red areas on the crime map.

In the early twentieth century, Shobonier had four general stores, two grocery stores, two restaurants, and a grain elevator, built by John U. Metzger. In addition to these stores, there were three blacksmith shops, a butcher shop, and a mill. Other early residents of the city include William Lee, Benjamin Franklin Lee, and Alzora Lee Pollock, the wife of a settlement's doctor. In addition to Lee's house, a grocery store and dry goods store operated in Shobonier, including Edward Anderson, E. Frye & Son, and John U. Metzger & Son.