South Chicago Heights, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What are the Population & Steets in South Chi-Heights, Illinois? The median age of South Chicago Heights residents is 34.8 years old. Native-born residents are on average thirty-six years old, while those who were born outside of the U.S. average forty-seven years old. According to the most recent Census data, the most common country of birth for adults in South Chicago Heights is Mexico, followed by India, Poland, and the United States.

South Chicago Heights was incorporated in 1907. Initially settled by Germans, it soon became a melting pot for Italian, Polish, and Irish immigrants. Later, African Americans and Hispanics made the area their home. This diverse population has helped create residential neighborhoods of all ages and backgrounds. Listed below are the most populous neighborhoods in South Chicago Heights. They have been ranked according to their quality of life, proximity to major points of interest, and affordability.

South Chicago Heights is located in Cook County and has a population of 4,004. According to the Geographic Names Information System (GNIS), the city is seven hundred and forty-four feet above sea level. It is also in the Eastern time zone. It is a good example of a city that has a high median income but does not have a historical past. The current population is thriving, but it's not enough to sustain its growth.

The South Chicago Heights City Census shows that 86% of the population has health coverage. The City of Chicago has hired a firm, Far South Community Development Corporation, to conduct planning efforts. The Roseland Medical District is one of the areas that is undergoing development. These two factors contribute to the community's economic well-being. Despite the economic development in the area, residents in South Chicago Heights continue to live in poverty.