Sparland, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

A quick Google search of Population & Steets in Sparton, Illinois will reveal the city has a diverse population. The majority of Sparland citizens are middle-aged adults. The median age is 48, and a typical family has 2.8 members, including parents and children. The city ranks 7420 out of all the U.S. cities, and 378th in Illinois for diversity.

The wealthiest neighborhoods in the United States are predominantly white. The wealthiest neighborhoods are dotted with high-rise condos. The average income for households in Sparland is $130,500. The poverty line is at or below that level. The city of Sparland has an income level that is considered "moderate" for residents. While it may seem high, it is actually a good indicator of the quality of life in the city.

One of the biggest factors to consider when moving to a new city is cost of living. Fortunately, the cost of living in Sparland is significantly lower than the national average and the majority of other cities in the state. While some areas may be more expensive than others, overall costs are lower for housing, utilities, groceries, transportation, health care, and other necessities. For those who are considering relocating to a new city, the cost of living in Sparland is affordable.

The overall crime rate in the city of Sparland is relatively low when compared to other Sparse Suburban areas. In fact, almost half of the population of the city is worried about crime. This is good news for residents, as the city is relatively safe and has a lower rate of violent crime. The city's educational system is better than the state average, as evidenced by the fact that it is higher than the state average. However, it is important to note that crime rates in the city are much lower in areas with fewer residents.