Teutopolis, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Do you want to find out the population and steets of Teutopolis City? You can find the population and steets of the town on this page. If you want to compare Teutopolis to other cities and towns in Illinois, you can use the Illinois Census Data Comparison Tool. If you want to learn more about Teutopolis, you can browse through the city's statistics, including the median income, crime rate, and more.

The crime rate in Teutopolis may appear exaggerated because many crimes take place in blocks with few residents. In fact, crime rates are actually much higher in the center of Teutopolis than they are in the south. This map may be misleading though, as red areas do not necessarily mean that residents of Teutopolis are in danger. To see the crime rate in Teutopolis, you should first look at its population map.

In Teutopolis, Illinois, the ZIP code 62467 is used for mailing mail. The zip code is 9-digits long and is designated as a "Multi-county" area. The population of Teutopolis is estimated to be 6,067 as of 2020. The city is served by a school district. Teutopolis Community Unit School District 50 has three elementary schools and a high school.