Varna, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following information provides details about the population and steets of Varna City, Bulgaria. You can view the number of people and households in Varna by clicking on the map below. This information is provided by the National Statistical Institute Bulgaria, using its National Register of Populated Places database. Whether you are looking for a simple overview, or a detailed analysis of the area, you will be able to find it here.

The largest city in Bulgaria is Sofia, where you will find a wealth of cultural and historical monuments. Located on the Maritsa River, Plovdiv is a major industrial hub and hosts an annual trade fair. Varna, located on the Black Sea, focuses on transport and industry along the coast. Other important cities include Albena and Zlatni Pyassutsi, which are popular with the international tourist trade. And finally, Varna Necropolis, where you can view some of the oldest examples of gold work in the world.

The Bulgarian Communist Party voluntarily gave up its claim to power in February 1990. In June 1990, the country held its first free elections since 1931. The Bulgarian Socialist Party won. In July 1991, Bulgaria adopted a new constitution with a president and prime minister, and a representative system for the two offices. In the following years, the country was home to the first national party to be elected in the country.